2008년 7월 9일 수요일


"Failure is the mother of success." Like this famous qoute tells you, I believe in progress, we need to learn from the past. Without mistakes and experiences, we cannot improve in order to success.

Learning SAT essay can be one example. First essay I wrote was bad; spelling errors, grammer, tense, and other many mistakes could be found. However, those errors help us to write better essay on the next one. Because we already know which is wrong and right. The important thing is not to repeat the same mistakes.

In addition, running a marathon requires experience and practice. A marathoner can never win the race the first time. It is the same with all other sports. They learn from failure to do better and comlement their weakness. Marathoner Lee, Bongjoo said, to complete the marathon, you need to learn when to speed up and handling your physical strength by actual race.

We always improve by the experiences. Be brave to change your mistake and never repeat it again. We should not tet caugth up with the past. Always look towards the future and live in present with your passion!

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