2008년 7월 9일 수요일

Surge in Asian Enrollment Alters Schools

After reading NY times article- Surge in Asian Enrollment Alters Schools by Winnie Hu

I am going to write about the wild goose dad(기러기아빠). This article by Winnie Hu is about the affects by increasing of Asian students in the U.S. schools. It says, they brought new Asian cultures to America and how they outscored on tests.

However, this short paragraph Winnie Hu mentioned got my attention. She wrote, "Korean and Japanese mothers have been known to take their childeren to the U.S. for the school year while the fathers stay behind at high-paying corporate jobs in their own counries." Korean people call these fathers the wild goose dad(기러기아빠). I donnot know why they call it as wild goose dad but they are familiar to Korean people. I can easily find those wild goose families everywhere; in dramas, among my friends or in neighbors.

I believe it is better choice for their children's education. It is ture that U.S. has better education and school system than Korea or Japan. However, even I am a student study abroad in U.S. aloof from my family, I strongly diagree with the wild goose family. I think it is the way of ruining family's relationship. Like the story of Gil, Auck-ee's family in drama Club of One's Wife Married in Poverty (조강지처 클럽) shows. Mr. Gil is the wild goose dad and his wife took their son to the U.S. for the education. His business get dishonored overnight and he gets gastric cacer. He no longer can support his wife and son in the U.S. He decide to call them back to Korea. He believes they can reunite and live happily in Korea. But, his wife and son greatly disappointed in him by his failure without knowing his health problem. Also, his son could not adjust in Korean school. Finally Mr. Gil divorce with his wife and gives all the money send them to the U.S.

This Mr. Gil's story is not only from the drama. It can happen in the reality and it is happening to some of the wild goose faimilies. Winnie Hu did not mentioned about faulty in the wild goose family. However, as I watched several wild goose families, I realized it is wrong choice of well being and for the future. Family means together and their relationship is the most important thing to develop.


"Failure is the mother of success." Like this famous qoute tells you, I believe in progress, we need to learn from the past. Without mistakes and experiences, we cannot improve in order to success.

Learning SAT essay can be one example. First essay I wrote was bad; spelling errors, grammer, tense, and other many mistakes could be found. However, those errors help us to write better essay on the next one. Because we already know which is wrong and right. The important thing is not to repeat the same mistakes.

In addition, running a marathon requires experience and practice. A marathoner can never win the race the first time. It is the same with all other sports. They learn from failure to do better and comlement their weakness. Marathoner Lee, Bongjoo said, to complete the marathon, you need to learn when to speed up and handling your physical strength by actual race.

We always improve by the experiences. Be brave to change your mistake and never repeat it again. We should not tet caugth up with the past. Always look towards the future and live in present with your passion!

2008년 7월 1일 화요일

SAT or 수능

I visit Korea every summer. I'm one of the Korean student studying abroad. The reason Korean students decide to go to U.S. is for better education. The College Scholastic Ability Test which is 수능 in Korea would be one of the most stressful thing for the students here. Because the education is too harsh and difficult. My mom always say that I am very lucky to be in U.S. I agree with her too. Every summer when I visit here and see how Korean students come home late from 학원, I feel very bad for them and also I relief that I'm not one of them. However, this year I start to go to SAT school. I guess I can say it's American 수능. But way better than Korean's. The first week was little hard for me because I never been to 학원 for education. But I believe I have to think and plan for after high school since my graduation is in two year. And going to learn SAT isn't that bad. It is getting fun by making new friends who is in similar situation with me and I feel better that I am being prepare. We often talk about how SAT is way better than 수능. Also how wrong Korean education is.
One of the reason Korean education is getting harder is their competitive mind. In addition people usually say their mom has problem but I don't think it is not only their fault. It is true that Korean Moms too care about their children's grades. I think it's because they already know how is the difference in social standing between people who graduated college and who did not is huge. I believe it will take long time to change Korean educational system and people's mind about better people graduated good college and getting a good grade is the most important thing. However, I believe it will change someday.